Tara’s blog

My Journey to Financial Freedom – Part 1
Over the past 18months I have been incredibly quiet on the blog front, apologies! But I’ve been busy- putting all my energy and time into building myself the ideal life, a life where I could be a stay at home mum but still make money to enjoy an amazing lifestyle, a life of Financial Freedom. […]

The Truth about Estate Agents – all First Time Buyers must read!
I’m sure you’ve had dealings with Estate Agents in the past, if you’re an agent please don’t be offended by this blog -there are some great agents out there worth their weight in gold! (Especially family run agents whom I tend to do a lot of business with.) However on the flip side there are […]

What banks don’t tell you about Capital Repayment Mortgages…
This is a great debate, and one I thoroughly enjoy having with friends. A capital repayment mortgage means you pay the capital and the interest back at the same time, so if you borrow £150,000 mortgage from the bank, by the end of your mortgage term (usually 25 years) it will be paid off in […]

Any Old Harry Can Invest In Property
‘You’ are all you have. I believe your success is dependent on your philosophy for life. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will. One thing I’ve always had is a strong belief in myself, especially when others didn’t. If I hadn’t envisioned I could own the amount of properties I do, I […]

Guard Your Credit With Your Life!
Watch over it like a hawk, keep a close eye on it and never let it out of your sight. To banks, building societies and mortgage providers how they treat you will ultimately depend on your credit score. If you have a high score they’ll look after you, allowing you to borrow the amount you […]

Why Invest In Property
As a Professional Financial Adviser, I advise my clients to diversify their portfolio to spread their risk and achieve good growth over the medium to long term. I tell them ‘diversify your money to lower the risk of your portfolio. So if one sector doesn’t perform well the other areas could be bucking the trend […]
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